Saturday, September 15, 2012

Simple Things That You Must Know About Pregnancy

By Oswald Stephenson

Finding out you are or trying to become pregnant is one of the most stressful and rewarding chapters in a woman's life. It represents the permanently life altering shift from being an independent adult or wife into motherhood. The stress may be unavoidable, but when you enter into this journey with some of the wisdom in this article, you can find the path far less unknown.

If you are having trouble sleeping during pregnancy, you may want to try putting a pillow under one side of your back and laying on that side. Also, tucking a pillow between your knees and pushing your knees together can be helpful. If you still have sleeping problems, there are pillows you can buy made just for pregnancy.

If you are put on bed rest for the duration of your pregnancy, it is important that you listen to your doctor and stay in bed. Your doctor put you on best rest for a reason and by not listening to him or her, you are putting you and your baby's health in jeopardy.

Remember that you are eating for two during your pregnancy, so it makes sense that you would notice an increase in your appetite! This does not mean, however, that you should double your regular caloric intake. Experts recommend that most pregnant women consume no more than 300-500 extra calories a day.

Do not treat your due date as a guarantee, but rather as an estimated day of arrival. Putting too much emphasis on a certain date may have you feeling blue or exasperated if the day comes and goes without your baby's arrival. Focus instead on the surprise aspect of the end of your pregnancy, and relish in small things that you might not experience for a while, like a quiet house or soaking in a bathtub.

It is important that you allow your legs to get sufficient circulation when you are pregnant. Getting blood to flow can be difficult when a woman is pregnant and by not moving your legs enough, you can get blood clots, which can be deadly. You could also wear special stockings that help blood flow.

When you are pregnant, you will want to let someone else clean out your precious cat's litter box. This is because there is a parasite in cat feces that causes toxoplasmosis. This parasite is also found in rare or raw meat. This can lead to serious illness, miscarriage, premature birth or even worse. So cook your meat well, and let your loved one clean the litter box.

Start exercising for a healthy you and a healthy baby. Pregnancy is not an excuse to sit on the couch for nine months. Being active during pregnancy has been shown to reduce the risk of miscarriages and can help shorten the length of your labor. Keeping yourself active will go a long way towards having a smooth pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a nine month journey that results in a lifetime of pleasure. What you do during those nine months will impact the health, the welfare, and the happiness of your child to be. Be sure to apply to advice from this article on pregnancy, and be ready for that lifetime of joy.

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Friday, September 14, 2012

Discover Ways To Make Your Pregnancy More Enjoyable

By Correy Gasps

Whether you are experiencing your first pregnancy or your third, taking care of yourself, your baby, and your family are more important than ever. These useful tips are perfect little tidbits for anyone who is pregnant or knows someone who is expecting a baby. Combined with sound medical advice from your doctor, you can use any of these tips to make the experience one to remember.

Get a prenatal massage once a month. As long as you don't have any complications, this is one of the best things you can do. They feel so good on a sore pregnant body, and they will be worth every penny. Anything, you can do to make your pregnancy more bearable should be done as long as it is good for you.

Do not give up exercising when you are pregnant, unless you have a medically necessary reason to do so. Walking, swimming and other low-impact activities are excellent ways to keep your heart healthy and your core muscles strong, which can help to alleviate back pain and may make labor and delivery easier for you.

In late pregnancy, you should avoid sleeping on your back, if possible. If you find it difficult to stay off your back, try propping a pillow behind you so that you are not able to roll into a completely flat position. There is no need to panic if you do occasionally wake up on your back; generally, you will feel very uncomfortable in that position before causing any harm to yourself or your baby.

Keep a journal while you are pregnant to record special memories and thoughts. This helps with the emotions you experience during pregnancy and also gives you a great keepsake to share with your child later in life. You can use your journal to capture milestones during the pregnancy as well as your thoughts and emotions through the process.

For a surprising but effective way to control morning sickness during pregnancy, have a small handful of almonds. They are an excellent source of both calcium and protein, and eating a high-protein snack is a great way to prevent the queasiness that can hit you any time of the day.

Stock up on notepads and sticky notes and write everything down that you are supposed to remember. Many pregnant women realize that their memories are just not what they were pre-pregnancy. Counteract this development by making yourself reminders of everything before you find yourself at the store with no idea why you are there.

If you plan on painting your baby's nursery while you are pregnant, try to choose paints labeled as "no-VOC" or "low-VOC." This distinction means the paints will release fewer volatile organic compounds -- like formaldehyde -- into the air, which is better for both your family's health and for the environment.

Although being pregnant is a wonderful thing, sometimes it is a little harder to deal with than we would like it to be. Using the tips that were provided here, you should be able to make life a little easier for yourself and for your new baby to be.

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Friday, September 7, 2012

Things That All Pregnant Women Must Know

By Charlie Piper

Whether it's your first or your fifth pregnancy, there are many worries that go through your mind, and many questions as well. The only way to get the solutions for all your worries and questions is to get more information. Start with these tips to get a better understanding of what your body is going through.

Create a birth plan. Having a written document that expresses your wishes for your delivery will help the medical professionals involved understand what you want your experience to be like. Include things like who should be present at the birth and what procedures you want to stay away from during the delivery.

Most new mothers know that breast-feeding is best for a newborn baby. Breast-feeding comes naturally to most women, but it helps to take a class on the subject and learn what to expect as well as what to do if you should have any problems! Remember: Breast is best!

Go ahead and give in to your pregnancy cravings. Doctors aren't quite sure if cravings are a result of emotional changes or of nutritional deficits in your diet, but not getting the foods you crave can be stressful during a time when you don't need the added stress. Just be careful that your diet is healthy overall.

While pregnant, it is best to travel by air only between your 14th and 28th weeks. At this time, the sickness of your first trimester has probably lessened, and you are not yet at risk for early delivery. While flying, stay hydrated, and get up to walk whenever possible. Also, choose an aisle seat to make getting up and trips to the lavatory less of a hassle.

It is important to see a doctor once you have a pregnancy test that is positive. It is recommended that for the first trimester, you see your practitioner once a month. Typically, most women are seen between 8 and 10 weeks gestation. At this time, blood work is done and your urine is checked for protein and sugar.

Pack your bags early. Don't wait until you are 37 weeks or later to finally pack your bag for the hospital. Obviously you want your baby to reach full gestation, but you never know when something is going to happen. Having your bag packed will give you peace of mind in case there is an unexpected event.

If you have cats at home, have somebody else take care of the litter box duties during your pregnancy. Cat feces can contain a parasite that causes toxoplasmosis in humans. Toxoplasmosis can cause you to have a miscarriage or stillborn baby. Also avoid under-cooked meats that can also contain the harmful parasite.

As you can see, there are many ways to reduce the discomforts of pregnancy and allowing yourself to feel the happiness of expecting your child. You can enjoy each stage of the journey and appreciate the wonders of pregnancy, if you choose to follow these tips. You and your child deserve the best of care.

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Ways Fertility Affects High Risk Pregnancy

By Kelly Waite

If you struggle with infertility, you may eventually have a high risk pregnancy. While exploring fertility options, it is important to know what kind of risks you and your baby will face when you become pregnant. This provides you with the best chances for success.

Some women experience fertility difficulties for many years and when they finally become pregnant they face possibilities of complications due to their age. On the other hand, a woman may prolong pregnancy due to career or other factors. By the time she is 35, she will face more risks than in her younger years.

The American Society of Reproductive Medicine defines infertility as inability to conceive if a couple has been trying for at least one year. However, this applies to a couple with the woman under 35. If you wait until later in life infertility can be with six months of unsuccessful attempts. One should not panic when having trouble conceiving, but it is advisable to see a doctor or fertility specialist.

If you attempting to become pregnant and you are older than 35, it will be more difficult. As a woman ages her fertility gradually declines. A woman only has so many eggs and fewer are available. Also egg quality may decline with age. Your doctor can perform a blood test to determine fertility chances (due to age). It is known as an FHS or follicle stimulating hormone test. Other tests may also help you understand your fertility odds.

If you become pregnant in your mid to late thirties, you face a high risk pregnancy. This is based on the fact of advanced age. As women get older they have greater chances for problems like miscarriage. There is also a higher chance for birth defects. Part of the reaso
ns for this is due to age, but other factors can increase risks.

If you have pregnancy problems in the past, there is a chance they may reappear. This includes issues like hypertension and diabetes, as it can affect the health of the unborn child. Perhaps there is a family history of birth defects, miscarriage, or premature deliveries. Some of these problems have a genetic factor and it is vital to discuss these issues with your doctor.

If your health or the health of the unborn child may be placed in danger, you are considered a high risk pregnancy. The time to seek medical assistance is before you become pregnant. This will eliminate some problems and help you understand what to expect.

Just because you face difficulties with having a baby does not mean you have to give up and consider adoption. Modern science has made many advances in past decades and there is a great deal of professional help available. More than ninety percent of risky pregnancies are successful with proper care. It is important to seek medical assistance as soon as you find out you are a high risk pregnancy. This helps insure that you have a positive outcome and deliver a strong and healthy baby.

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Monday, May 14, 2012

Great Tips For Getting Pregnant

By Danni Torelle

Getting pregnant is an exciting and life-changing event. There are many ways to prepare the body for conception, and to increase the likelihood of pregnancy. The female body is designed to conceive and nurture a fetus, but there are things that every woman can do to make conception easier and prepare the body to carry a healthy baby.

Birth control pills prevent pregnancy, and those on such medications should cease taking them as soon as the decision is made to become pregnant. It may take several months for the menstrual cycle to resume its normal schedule, depending on the type of birth control that was used, so some patience is required.

It is important to get familiar with your menstrual cycle, as this is an indicator of when ovulation is imminent. Typically, ovulation takes place fourteen days before the next menstrual period. Paying attention to certain signs and symptoms may also indicate ovulation. Abdominal cramps and a change in vaginal secretions are two such indicators. Vaginal secretions may become clear and thin during ovulation. In addition, the basal body temperature is another sign of ovulation; it usually rises before ovulation occurs. There are also ovulation detection kits that can be purchased over-the-counter.

Men can make some changes that increase chances as well. Wearing boxers instead of briefs is helpful. Briefs may decrease sperm count. Smoking also decreases sperm count. Mom should cease smoking as well to avoid increased risk of miscarriage and low birth weight babies. Having sex once a day during the ovulation period is beneficial.

Caffeine should be decreased or eliminated if possible. Caffeine is in foods like chocolate and coffee. In moderation it is ok, but too much may make it difficult for the body to absorb iron and cause stillbirths.

Drink plenty of orange juice. This is because it contains folate, an ingredient known to reduce the risk of certain birth defects. Supplements that contain folic acid are a great option. Prenatal vitamins do not have to be taken just during pregnancy, they may be taken before to help create a nurturing environment for the potential baby.

Maintaining or obtaining a healthy weight is helpful, as women with a body mass index over 30 may have a difficult time with conception. A healthy weight is necessary to avoid complications once pregnancy is achieved because it will help avoid health issues like pregnancy induced hypertension and gestational diabetes. Exercise should be limited to a few times per week. This seems contradictory to the advice to obtain a healthy weight, but excessive exercise may cause delays or complete cessation of the menstrual cycle, making pregnancy impossible. Mild exercise like biking or aerobics is acceptable.

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Friday, May 4, 2012

5 Extreme Problems during Pregnancy

By Pangrukti Tapati

Pregnancy is an extraordinary event, a part of the process of human creation. A pregnant woman is a very lucky person to have been part of that great process. However, pregnancy is a process that is not easy to pass, because a lot of things that must be maintained properly so that pregnancy and childbirth can run well. During 9 months of pregnancy, it is important to continue to consult the doctor regularly, so that the process of pregnancy until delivery can proceed smoothly.

Knowing for sure the problems during pregnancy and how to handle them can decrease the bad risk of pregnancy. So it will be good for us to give ourselves knowledge on this issue. If you have any of the symptoms below, contact your doctor right away to lower your risk of complications.


Pregnancy causes the number of red blood cell to increase, but pregnancy also trigger increasing number of plasma (liquid) that carries the red blood cells. This causes the blood in pregnant women a little more dilute and have hemoglobin level slightly lower than normal. But can occur cases in pregnancy where very low levels of hemoglobin and cause anemia. This can cause lack of oxygen supply to body tissues.

Some women do become truly anemic in pregnancy. If this happens, you may feel very tired and may look pale. You may be short of breath and may suffer from dizzy spells. Severe anemia can undermine your general health and lower your ability to cope with infection. Anemia can also make you feel miserable and anxious. See your doctor to get the proper treatment for anemic pregnant women. Usually, doctors will suggest taking iron tablet or if you have constipation trouble using this medication, you can increase your iron intake in your diet. Green leafy vegetables are the best source of iron.

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes usually appears in the second half of pregnancy and somehow it sometime shows no symptoms. The symptoms of gestational diabetes are extreme thirst, hunger, or fatigue. The best to do is performing a blood test to monitor your blood sugar levels. Perform a low-sugar diet and exercise as well as prenatal exercise to keep blood sugar levels remain normal. Some women with gestational diabetes or women who have diabetes before pregnancy need shots of insulin to keep blood sugar levels under control.

Pre-term Labor

If you have contractions either painful or painless, anytime during pregnancy, that occur more than four times an hour, or are less than 15 minutes apart; menstrual like cramps that come and go; abdominal cramps with or without diarrhea; dull backache that may radiate around to the abdomen; increase in or change in color in vaginal discharge; constant or intermittent pelvic pressure. Be aware, these can be the symptoms of early or pre-term labor. It means the labor occurring after 20 weeks, but before 37 completed weeks of pregnancy. To help with this situation, Lie down with feet elevated; drink 2 or 3 glasses of water or juice. If symptoms do not subside within one hour, contact your doctor immediately.

Hepatitis B

You need to do a blood test to determine whether you are suffering from hepatitis B or not. Because Hepatitis B can be transmitted to the baby, so if you are positive for the hepatitis B then within 12 hours after birth, your baby will need vaccinations called HBIG, along with the first Hepatitis B shot. Hepatitis B can occur without symptoms or with flu-like symptoms, mild fever, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dark urine, pale bowel movements, abdominal pain, yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes or jaundice, liver problems.

HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases

HIV is a disease caused by lifestyle which is wrong and unhealthy. Do sex only with your partner. HIV can occur without any symptoms at all, or come up with symptoms such as small blisters or warts in the genital area, fever, fatigue, pain, pain, vaginal discharge, especially if it is yellowish, bloody, green, gray, or thick and white like cheese cottage, or a strong odor; burning or pain when urinating, itching around the genital area, itching or burning in the vagina, pain in the legs or buttocks, pain during sex, frequent yeast infections, skin rashes. This disease can be transmitted to the baby.

Take a blood test if you find yourself get the symptoms. There will be many examination to check this dangerous disease, including physical exam to look for symptoms in the throat, anus, or genital area; visual exam to inspect skin for rashes, growths or sores, especially the area around the genitals; pelvic exam to look at the inside of the vagina and cervix and to feel internal organs for any inflammation or growths; taking a sample of fluid or tissue from the vaginal, anal or genital area to look for the presence of virus. Possible treatment for this complication is by giving antiviral drugs or possible cesarean delivery.

Being pregnant is a miracle. Enjoy your pregnant, give the best you can for you and your baby. Be sure that you have done your best effort to keep you and your baby health. A strong and healthy baby comes from a strong and healthy mother. Put you and your baby in the very first place.

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