Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Want To Know More About Pregnancy? Read On

By Steve David

Just because you find out that you are pregnant does not instantly make you an expert on the subject. Even those who have had other children do not have all of the answers. This article is a good resource to help you answer any lingering questions that you may be thinking about.

There's a lot to discover about pregnancy. Try to educate yourself on the different situations that you may face. Educate yourself about each stage of your pregnancy, and any possible complications you should watch for. This will allow you to feel in control of what is happening to your body.

Don't miss an appointment with your doctor. Appointments are scheduled in such a way that your doctor is able to keep track of your fetus while it's developing at various stages. Staying on top of your health is important to you and your child.

When you are decorating the nursery, take the proper safety precautions. That said, don't get near any VOC paint. It is much safer if there is good ventilation in the room. Friends and family can be useful to help you with the labor involved in renovation.

If you get sick during your pregnancy, try non-medical remedies. Medicine found over-the-counter have drugs that can harm your fetus. You can find many natural solutions online that can relieve everything from nausea and heartburn to constipation. Talk to your doctor for even more tips and tricks.

If you are planning on traveling, do this during your second trimester. This time is ideal because first trimester sickness has likely decreased, and you probably don't have to worry about delivering this early. While flying, stay hydrated and get up to walk whenever possible. To make it less of an inconvenience, select an aisle seat.

Be careful when you travel if you are pregnant. You want to be near a medical facility. It's crucial that you have access to a doctor during every step of your pregnancy. Keep a cell phone with you, too.

Learn to reject food from people who pressure you to eat all the time. It is necessary to take in extra calories while you are pregnant, but that does not mean you should eat constantly. Don't be afraid to tell someone, "No, thanks."

Kegel exercises are extremely beneficial. You can do them while watching TV, at work, on the subway or on the toilet. A set of ten, held for three seconds, is recommended. Making these a habit will strengthen the muscles used in delivery. These exercises also help correct any incontinence problems.

Stay hydrated with at least 64 ounces of water every day. Not only do you and your baby need to be hydrated, but you may overeat if you're thirsty. What feels like hunger is often just dehydration. Drink water between meals if you feel like having a snack.

Make sure your oral health is solid, and continue seeing a dentist during your pregnancy. There are many dental problems that can be caused by pregnancy, so stay on top of them! Brush your teeth morning and night, and be sure to floss daily. If you notice any problems, immediately get in contact with your dentist.

Take the time to document everything that you experience during your pregnancy. It will be great to look back on your notes and reminisce. One of the best ways to document your pregnancy is to take monthly or weekly photographs of your growing belly. Write down all the good and bad things of your pregnancy in a journal. Even the most tedious of details will allow you to relive all those cherished moments.

Do not treat your due date as a guarantee but rather as an estimated day of arrival. Thinking too much about your due date may leave you feeling exasperated when your baby does not arrive when you planned. Instead, enjoy the small things and the surprises of it all.

Begin changing how you eat before becoming pregnant. A healthier diet will ensure that both you and the baby are as healthy as possible during your pregnancy. Establishing these habits early also helps you to pass on better habits to your child as they grow.

Whether it is you who is with child, or someone you care about, pregnancy is a large part of most people's lives. This is an amazing journey that will help you develop a bond with your own flesh and blood. Keep these tips in mind to better your pregnancy experience.

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Want To Know More About Pregnancy? Read These Tips

By Hanson Brightley

Rumors and misinformation about pregnancy are easily found. Knowing which ones are accurate, and which are myths can help you better understand what you and your body are going through. This article offers you great advice on your pregnancy and what you really need to know throughout the process.

Increase your intake of folic acid during pregnancy. You can find lots of folic acid in spinach, which also has lots of iron too. Folic acid can decrease the chances of neural tube defects.

Talk to friends with newborns to learn more. The more you can learn from them, the better off you'll be.

Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you can't exercise. You will need to adjust the intensity of your workouts as you near your due date, but you need to keep exercising to stay physically fit.

Look for maternity clothes from thrift and consignment shops. You'll just be wearing them for several months, so paying full price is sort of a waste. This will help you save money that you will need for diapers and baby food later.

Say no to other people that insist you eat more. It is necessary to take in extra calories while you are pregnant, but that does not mean you should eat constantly. Just say, "No thanks." That is just fine and is often the right thing to say to too much food.

Be sure that you have a flu shot given to you when you get pregnant. A weak immune system can lead to catching the flu. This can be a danger for your child and you.

When pregnant, air travel is best from your 14th to your 28th weeks. This is when you're safest. When you fly, keep hydrated and walk around often. An aisle seat will let you go to the bathroom as frequently as possible.

Be sure that you take your prenatal vitamins and that you read what labor is like so you're well prepared for it. Exercise and a good diet is going to provide your baby with the right nutrients and keep you in a shape that you're happy with even after the baby's birth.

Use alternative treatments for illnesses. Most OTC drugs contain harmful medicines that your unborn child can not handle. Lots of natural remedies, which can treat nausea, heartburn, and constipation, can be found online. Also, be sure to ask your physician for any ideas.

One thing a pregnant woman should avoid, that may not be well known, is cat litter. Cat feces can contain a parasitic disease called toxoplasmosis that can cause damage to unborn children. Avoid the litter; don't risk your baby's health.

When you need to get gas for your car during your pregnancy, have your partner fill it up or ask for anyone with you to help out. Gasoline fumes can harm your unborn child. It's a better idea to ask for help rather than risk it.

When you are decorating the nursery, take the proper safety precautions. Just be sure that when you're pregnant that you don't hang around while the room is being painted. Keep a well ventilated room with the windows open. Friends and family can be useful to help you with the labor involved in renovation.

Tour your birthing facility prior to your due date. It is especially important if this is your first child so that you know what it will look like. It can help you learn where to go so that you don't panic when that time arrives.

As this article went over in the beginning, there are a lot of things about pregnancy that may or may not be totally true. Fortunately, everything you've read here will allow you to feel more informed and in-touch with your body and its changes.

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What You Need To Know About Your Pregnancy

By Johnathan Black

Being well informed about what happens during pregnancy can make you feel better about the entire process. To learn all you can about pregnancy, read the article ahead and you can begin to plan successfully for your baby.

Relax before bedtime and use pillows to make your pregnant body more comfortable while sleeping. If you have a routine in the evening you will ensure your body will know when it wants to go to sleep. Ending the evening with a warm bath, time with a book, or a massage from your partner can help as well.

Start exercising for a healthy you and a healthy baby. Pregnancy is not an excuse to sit on the couch for nine months. Being active during pregnancy has been shown to reduce the risk of miscarriages and can help shorten the length of your labor. Keeping yourself active will go a long way towards having a smooth pregnancy.

As a pregnant woman, never change kitty litter. The chemicals in soiled cat litter can cause complications in your pregnancy, so it is better to avoid this chore. If you have a husband or live-in boyfriend, he can change the litter while you are pregnant. If there is no one else around, see if a friend or relative can help out.

If you want to know the sex of your baby, you have to wait until you are about 20 weeks pregnant. This is around the time that the ultrasound technician can get a clear picture as to what gender your baby is. But be aware, ultrasounds are not 100 percent accurate!

It is important to see a doctor once you have a pregnancy test that is positive. It is recommended that for the first trimester, you see your practitioner once a month. Typically, most women are seen between 8 and 10 weeks gestation. At this time, blood work is done and your urine is checked for protein and sugar.

It is easy to see after reading this piece, that common sense goes a long way in giving birth. You can rest easier with some strong knowledge on your side. Being knowledgeable in these matters will leave you more relaxed and much healthier.

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